Iowa Communications Alliance Partners with Region Xll Council of Governments to Make Broadband a Priority in Dallas County, IA

Minburn, IA – Minburn Communications, a local leader in fiber-based broadband, voice, and video in the Minburn, Woodward, Perry and rural Dallas County areas is pleased to announce the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has selected and established a Broadband Intervention Zone in the City of Dallas Center, IA.

The Broadband Intervention Zone is a result of OCIO’s Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) process, which asked rural communities to apply for areas that should be prioritized in future funding decisions made under the Empower Rural Iowa Broadband Grant Program. Region XII Council of Governments and Iowa Communications Alliance (ICA) partnered with the City of Dallas Center as they prepared the ITQ application for eligible areas of Dallas County to ensure underserved residents are at the forefront of future funding opportunities.

Minburn Communications provided a letter of support confirming the underserved locations identified in the City of Dallas Center ITQ application fell outside of a census block eligible for grant funding in previous NOFA applications. Out of 99 total applications, Dallas Center ranked 27th for a geographical area that centers southwest of Dallas Center and encompasses the City of Dallas Center and the corridor of Iowa Highway 44 and US Highway 169.

“At ICA we’re committed to helping our members serve current and future customers with quality broadband service. When this new process and opportunity was released, City of Dallas Center and Minburn Communications recognized participation was an important first step in positioning underserved Dallas County residents for upcoming broadband funding. ICA was proud to be a partner in the application and share our local broadband expertise,” says Brittany Morales, VP of Business Development of ICA.

For more information on the ITQ and Broadband Intervention Zones visit


The Iowa Communications Alliance is the nation’s largest state-based association of community-based broadband providers.  Its 250+ members provide and enable high-quality, state-of-the-art communications services to Iowans, leading the state to be among the nation’s leaders in fiber-optic deployment.

ICA firmly believes that broadband communications is the tool and industry capable of growing and transforming Iowa and our association is the advocate, catalyst, educator, and resource for Iowa’s community-based communications providers.  We empower education, agriculture, healthcare, and other industries to thrive and succeed. 

To learn more about the ICA visit

About Minburn Communications

Minburn Communications is a technology leader and fiber-based, Certified Gig-Capable telecommunications provider in central Iowa. Symmetrical broadband, managed W-Fi, video entertainment TV, and reliable landline voice services are part of the World-Class Connections delivered to customers in Minburn, Woodward, Perry, and rural Dallas County. Visit

Media Contacts

Brittany Morales, VP of Business Development
Iowa Communications Alliance
(515) 868-0334

Kristi Petersen, Marketing & Customer Relations Manager
Minburn Communications

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